Childhood Immunisation
Childhood immunisations are the most effective way of preventing infectious diseases in children. The current NSW schedule is detailed below. Please book an appointment for your child for a health check and immunisations. Two nurses will be available to administer the immunisations concurrently to help minimise any distress.
Scheduled childhood immunisations are offered at no out of pocket cost. Additional vaccinations for meningococcal disease are available to buy from the practice. Please speak to your doctor about whether these additional vaccines are appropriate for your child.
Meningococcal B vaccination is now covered for free under the childhood schedule for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. It is also available from Kiama Medical Practice for a fee for others wishing to immunise their children against this deadly disease.
High school vaccinations are also available at KMP free of charge for those who miss out at school.
Click here to see the funded NSW immunisation schedule.
For more information on vaccine preventable diseases see here
Pregnancy Immunisation
All pregnant women are recommended to have immunisation against influenza and pertussis (whooping cough). These vaccines are provided by the government at no cost for women during pregnancy.
Influenza can be a very serious and even deadly illness during pregnancy, particularly the third trimester, and this risk can be minimised with a flu shot given at any time during the pregnancy.
Pertussis (whooping cough) can be a deadly illness for young infants. Immunising pregnant women during the later stages of pregnancy allows the woman's body to make antibodies against whooping cough. These antibodies can cross the placenta to the baby and give the infant some protection in their early months before they can be fully immunised themselves. Pertussis immunisation is recommended from 28 weeks pregnancy, but can be given earlier if needed.
Partners and other close contacts such as grandparents are also recommended to have a pertussis booster when expecting a new baby, if they have not received one within the last five years. Pertussis immunisations are available from Kiama Medical Practice for a fee for these people.
COVID-19 vaccines can be given in pregnancy and breastfeeding, however this is currently limited information on the safety. So far millions of doses have been delivered around the world, including to pregnant and breastfeeding women without any significant concerns noted. Please discuss your individual circumstances with your doctor when considering if you should have a COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy.
Influenza Immunisations:
Government funded influenza vaccines are available from the practice at no out of pocket cost for those aged 65 and older, pregnant women and people with a chronic illness including diabetes, asthma and heart disease. From 2018 the government is also funding influenza immunisations for children under the age of 5.
Flu clinics are organised in April/May each year to administer influenza immunisations. This is an effective way of preventing influenza.
Privately funded flu vaccines are available to buy from the practice.
Shingles Immunisations (Zostavax):
A single dose is available with no out of pocket cost for people aged 70-79.
Pneumococcal Immunisations
A new immunisation for pneumococcal disease has been rolled out since July 2020 for those 70 and over. Unfortunately this vaccine is still in short supply. Please contact our staff if you would like to be added to the waiting list for this vaccine.
Travel Immunisations:
Travel immunisations are available to buy from KMP when you attend for a travel consultation including Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Polio, Diphtheria and Tetanus.
Yellow fever immunisations are also available.
Please see the "Travel Health" section for further details.
Q Fever Immunisations:
Dr Henry Nowlan is accredited to provide Q Fever immunisations.
A detailed history, blood test and skin prick test is required before Q Fever vaccines are administered.
Q Fever immunisations are recommended for people who regularly work with farm animals.